Paradise, Michigan
In June of 2002 we took 17 youth and a handful of adult leaders from Grace Christian Church, Bay City, Michigan on a mission project. Our goals were to install a security fence for a day care, clean a church, and do several other projects in three different communities in the area (Paradise, Newberry, and Hulbert). We then did a seminar every evening with the group.

Our mission trip logo.

The mosquitoes were HORRIBLE! We
spent a large part of our time outside
trying to avoid them.

Some of the crew went to Hulbert,
Michigan to work on the
old log church there.

Cleaning the lights in Hulbert.

Some jobs will drive you up the wall!

Each evening we held our teaching
time in the basement of the
church in Paradise.

Session Photo.

Session Photo.





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Living Covenant Ministries International