By Mike Rule 

I was in a church earlier this year talking with a fellow about ministry. He kept asking me how I would handle various situations. The only thing I could respond with was pointing it all back to Christ and letting it all land at the feet of Jesus. For each situation he brought up I would show him how the principles of scripture would be lived out as Christ's life flowed out, but that wasn't enough for Him. He finally said, "Yeah, I know all that about abiding in Christ, Him living through us and all that, But..." He wanted me to give a legalistic answer and quote chapter and verse for each situation. I was deeply saddened because he was so entrenched in a narrow view that he could not recognize thing he was looking for being lived out.

So often we believe that we have to contribute our efforts in the work of Christ. We believe that Jesus is dependent upon our bag of tricks and resources to accomplish His work. Can we take up the challenge to get our "but" out of the way, and see that Jesus really is all we need? It's really that simple. Do you believe it?


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Living Covenant Ministries International