The Pearl of Great Price Each of us carries memories of life’s painful events, oftentimes feeling we can not grow beyond these issues. Many times our pain is due to what other people have done, causing us to question how God could allow such things to happen. God tells us that He causes all things to work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. He does not cause all things, but He causes all things to work together for ultimate good. From our perspective, we wonder what good can come of what we have endured. I recently counseled with someone who was asked what her particular painful event had cost her. She responded immediately by saying, "It has cost me everything; it has cost me my life." For over half a century the pain of a terrible event has affected nearly every aspect of her life. God has something to say to us in this: "My child, you have unknowingly sold all you have to buy the pearl of great price. I didn’t cause this in your life, but I let it happen because I know the plans I have for you. I have cried with you, I have ached with you, I have been angry the same as you have. But my child, I love you, and even though I could have prevented it, I allowed it because I know where I am taking you. My Son Jesus is that pearl of great price, and it will cost you everything to buy the one thing that you cannot afford to purchase, but you cannot afford to miss." The woman mentioned above was later asked if she would be willing to give up knowing Jesus as she does now, having sought Him hard in her anguish, in order to have the past’s pain removed. After some moments of deep reflection a smile slowly crept across her face and she responded with a joy I had not seen over the months of counseling. Her answer was emphatically, "No way!" God could have prevented your painful event too, but the price would indeed be great. God wants to USE your event to pour out an abundance of His grace and love, and you will truly be able to say that the things you have suffered are not worthy to be compared with what He has revealed IN you! If the painful event were taken away, it could cost you knowing that Jesus is sufficient to meet your deficiency. Can you really afford to miss that? Passage for Reflection Article # - LCMI – 2004-179: 2/24/2004 |