Obedience Re-visited
By Mike Rule

Once again I seem to be back at this topic, but for a much different reason than I was a few months ago. This is an article that I have put off writing, and been arguing with God about since early last week, hence that is why you did not receive a Reflection last week. The reason I have put it off, and argued about it with Him, is because I know how quickly people can become defensive when anyone talks about obedience, especially since this weeks article relates directly to money. However, I can only tell you what I am hearing and seeing, so with fear and trembling, here goes:

As most of you are aware, we lost our house back in June of this year to foreclosure. The financial difficulties have been tremendous for many years, culminating in that loss - you have heard me whine about that enough so I won't go there. But I do want to talk about what has been going through my mind recently; something the Lord gave us to put in "Faith Statement" way back when we formed LCMI in 2001. "LCMI does not campaign or attempt to raise support by petitioning churches or individuals for financial contributions. The majority of our support comes from those who are led by God to give; it is our firm conviction that if this ministry is of the Lord, He will provide all we need." I have agonized over why there has not been the financial provision, and again and again I have gone to Him asking why, are we wrong, are we in error, are we not in Your will? Again and again He has said, "Trust me." I have continued to try to do so, yet He has not come through for us financially. Yet, there has been a peace, and deep knowing that we are doing exactly what He wants us to do, and we are exactly where He wants us to be. He is providing the POWER of God for us to do the ministry, and that is ALL we really need. He affirms this daily with the miracles we see Him doing in people's lives. Just today I received yet another confirmation. A woman wrote, "I get it now - it really makes sense!" This was after a session last week in which the Lord began to restore her broken marriage. I have seen this happen literally in HUNDREDS of marriage situations, and I won't even begin to go into the thousands of other situations in which the Lord has touched, healed, restored, or freed people emotionally, spiritually, relationally, and physically. His words come to me, "If you cannot believe my words, then believe the miracles themselves." (John 10:38)

Recently, as I was praying about this, He showed me several people through which He has chosen to provide abundantly for us, but there is something in the Spirit realm blocking the provision. Even though He could break it down if He so chose, He has called me to pray for those walls to be broken down. Even more recently, I attended the church where my father is pastor. He was preaching a message on stewardship, through which God spoke clearly to me. All that we have suffered over these past few years is because of disobedience. Not because of OUR disobedience, but because of the disobedience of others. It led me to ask, "But Lord, you promised that you would take care of us and provide for us? Why have you allowed this?" He responded immediately, ""Because you are a testimony to the Body of Christ, that when people do not really love Me and each other - when they are wrapped up in themselves - there are consequences. You are suffering the consequences for others disobedience, people whom I have specifically told to support you generously, who are procrastinating, rebellious, or disobedient." There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ, so they are free to stay there as long as they want. But they are stealing great joy from themselves by their actions.

I'd like to say that His words made me feel a lot better, but they did not. But at least I understand in part where the struggle is coming from. I was recently writing to a ministry partner regarding my upcoming trip to Nigeria. Here is part of what I wrote: "Brother... We will pray and work to that end. It will be a matter of whether the Lord provides the funds for me to come... So pray that He would open the flood gates and provide the resources we need to make this happen. Recently He has been showing me the reason there has not been financial provision for the ministry is not because He is not calling people to provide, but because people are in disobedience to Him and not giving as He has called them to. Yet, the way to deal with that is not to berate people for disobedience, but to encourage them to seek and listen to the Lord's voice. To encourage them to live according to who they really are -- royalty, brothers of Christ, friends of God, Holy, righteous, blameless people. We shall see what God does in this matter."

Please understand that I am not pushing obedience down anyone's throat. Whenever a preacher does that, it only creates condemnation, guilt, and more disobedience. It is my prayer that we would each one be more receptive to Jesus, His work, and His words in ALL things. That we would trust Him more, and grow in the awareness of how He loves us, and we love Him. Everything else is a response to that - to Him alone!

I admit that I am weary of the battle, yet the battle belongs to the Lord. Please stand with me, and hold up my arms as I grow weary. Please pray with us for the walls to be brought down, that there would be no hindrance to His provision for the ministry and for our family this December, and throughout 2008. We are making our plans for one of the most powerful and exciting years of ministry yet for LCMI, but we know that He will direct our steps, so we continue to pray that His will be DONE on earth as it is in Heaven! Thank you for praying with us, standing with us, and walking with us through the years. I wish you His blessed Shalom!


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Living Covenant Ministries International