I thought I would do something a little different for Reflections this week
and pull a discussion topic off of the LCMI forum to share this week. I will
include a link to the topic at the end of the article if anyone would care to
discuss this subject online with others, and of course we love to hear from you
via email at any time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Men And The Church It has been my observation that what the church is offering really comes up short when it comes to meeting men’s needs. As a result, most men that I know tolerate church, but really do not feel that it has much to offer them – and in most cases they are right. This leaves many men in a quandary because they have a heart for God but don’t know how to function in the church as we know it in away that is truly satisfying. As one fellow recently told me, “I love Jesus, but I hate church. But I go to humor my wife and because it is what I have been told a good Christian is supposed to do.” I have to say that for the most part I agree. There is little to challenge men, they find little encouragement or inspiration in a well thought out message that is broken down into three point within three points within three points. Many pastors have not caught on to the old well drillers philosophy – If after 2 hours you haven’t struck oil, quit BORING! Men are really hungry for something that hits them where the rubber meets the road and most find the institutional church really has little to offer that is relevant. It takes something more that sitting in a room and listening to a man yak about some theory he has read about in a book. Men want real, honest, genuine and practical encouragement. Men are afraid to open up and be honest because they fear not being understood. Many have taken risks and been vulnerable only to be severely burned and hurt. As a result, huge self-protection walls have been built behind which most men hide their struggles, weaknesses, failings, and fears. Our calling at LCMI is to challenge that, and help break down the walls and break this cycle. How do you see this playing out in your life and the lives of those around you? I would love to hear some feedback from you via email or in our online Forum. Discuss this topic online by visiting the LCMI Forum - http://www.livingcovenant.com/board/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=11;t=000072;p=1#000000