Christmas 2008

Greetings friends,
Just a short note to wish you all a Merry Christmas and share a couple things.

First, if you haven't been to recently, you might want to stop by and check it out. We have been making changes to our website... there are more to come in January!! is quickly approaching a million views, and we are so excited to see this aspect of LCMI's ministry continue to grow and change.

We are looking forward to some new ministry activities in 2009. Please pray with us for His will to be done, specifically for provision and opportunity. Pray that we could continue to live with our hearts wide open to Him.

And now I want to share a few thoughts the Lord has laid upon my heart for you.

As you move into this Christmas season, I'd like you to reflect on something. Christmas, as special and meaningful as it is... Christmas is just a birthday party. I like parties, they have their place, and they are important. But Christmas too often becomes centered around history and gifts. We get centered around the fact that He came and forget why He came!

He came to clearly express the Heart of His Father towards all humanity. He came to give us Himself. Specifically, He came to give you LIFE, and give it to you abundantly. He IS your life... you are complete in Him. You are not lacking anything. He has given you EVERYTHING you need for life and Godliness. He LOVES you as you are. He wants to ENJOY you as you are. HE is NOT like US. Remember that He did not come to give you religion, rules, ceremonies, traditions, or lists to follow. He did not come to hold power over us authoritatively, or to dictate what we have to do, what we should do, or how we should do it. In fact, He came to FREE us from all these things. Remember this:

Your goodness does not impress Him, and your badness does not distress Him. He could not possibly love you any more than He does this very moment... Rest in it.

He asked me to remind you.

Shalom, dear friends.


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Living Covenant Ministries International