Are They Saved?
By Mike Rule

So many times people want to know how I can tell if a person is really saved or not. It is so easy to misjudge someone’s salvation and accuse a person of not being saved. This pushes people into deeper and deeper despair in their struggles because they already feel they cannot live the Christian life, and then they wind up questioning or doubting their own salvation. Did Jesus ever make anyone say the sinner’s prayer?

If a person says they are a believer, I believe them. It is that simple. Then I point them to Jesus. Without fail, I see people respond and rise to the challenge of being who Jesus says they are and of letting everything push them to Him. We need to be encouraging, not discouraging. I have seen so many people discouraging and disheartening others by trying to save the saved when instead they could be encouraging brothers and sisters to love and good works!

It’s no surprise that we don’t easily discern Jesus and that some are still trying to get others saved. He is not easy to recognize many times. After all, His own disciples didn’t recognize Him in the storm, and His own children didn’t recognize Him when He walked among them.

At this point I am inevitably asked about those who say they are saved but really aren’t. If I am pointing someone to Christ and they are turning to Him, isn’t it likely that at some point along the journey they will find Jesus? I’ve seen it happen countless times with people who are accused of not truly being believers. A little encouragement and pointing to Jesus leads a person to trusting Him and turning to Him. In the end I see giants of faith who are discovering the sufficiency of Christ in profound ways.

Point people to Christ and trust the Holy Spirit to do the work. It might just surprise you how little He needs your efforts.


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Living Covenant Ministries International