The Satisfied Ones Psalm 23:1 says, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want..." The Lord leads us like a shepherd and His voice is always gentle, loving, kind, and compassionate. He loves us and cares for us in astounding ways! We are His sheep. The verse also says that when He is my shepherd I shall not want. This means we are TOTALLY satisfied. Anytime I am dissatisfied in my life it is because I am unwilling to receive from my Shepherd. I want something other than Him and I won't be satisfied unless I have MY way. But my way always is dissatisfying. I am encouraged by dissatisfaction because it directs me back to "The Way" -- Jesus my Shepherd. In Him I am always satisfied! He is enough! Are you willing to answer His call to be one of the Satisfied Ones? He is calling us to live Life in Jesus and KNOW that HE is all we need! "My sheep hear (know) my voice..."