Back to the Beginning
By Mike Rule

Living this Christian life is impossible. We see our desperate need for the indwelling life of Christ to be revealed and flow through us to do what we could never hope to accomplish. We see our need for the exchange of our life for His. Some have moved beyond this to discover the reality of abiding in Christ and have discovered "Christ in you - the hope of glory" and have entered into the blissful place of resting in Him. This is abiding in Christ.

When we have been brought the revelation of abiding in Him, we have gone back to the beginning! We can stop here, reveling in completeness and how His life manifests itself through us, or receive further revelation in the inner chambers of the heart. This revelation can only be understood as the Spirit reveals why He has brought us into this place of promise. This is the "Promised Land" where we abandon our "self" in deeper dependence upon Him and intimacy with Him. I am not sure we have yet grasped His purposes for us and there is so much more He has yet to reveal. Are you willing to receive?

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Living Covenant Ministries International