The Ultimate Promise Keeper
By Mike Rule

My wife Becky and daughter Rachael were recently sorting through some clothes when they came across the shirt I bought for Rachael several years ago at a Promise Keepers gathering. As Rachael held it up and looked at it she quoted aloud, " My Daddy is a Promise Keeper…" then continued by somewhat apologetically mumbling, " which he really isn't but…"

Being astute to what was happening in the moment Becky wisely asked, "So Daddy doesn't keep his promises?" Rachael paused a moment to reflect on her vast experience of eight years. Thoughtfully, and with some disappointment she responded, "No…." then added more brightly, "Only God does that."

As a father it hurts to know you have let your daughter down and I grieved when I heard this. I knew she was right, and no matter how hard I tried I would always let her down. This does not excuse my failures, but as I thought more about what Rachael was saying and what was really happening in her, it slowly dawned on me that she is seeing the truth. Regardless of how emotionally difficult this is, it is more important that she understands God will never fail her while people ultimately will.

God made a promise to us through Abraham, and He fulfilled that promise in Jesus. Jesus declared this as He hung on the cross and said, "It is finished!" Our God keeps His promises. He is the ultimate promise keeper!


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Living Covenant Ministries International