Stuck With God
By Jim Rule

Recently I was driving to a ministry responsibility on a two-lane highway when a tandem gravel truck came out into my lane. Gradually it picked up speed but wasn’t going as fast as I would have gone and there was nowhere to pass. My immediate response was frustration. I had to slow down, I couldn’t get by, and then I couldn’t see ahead. I was stuck behind a truck!

As I followed along behind, I realized my frustration was so unnecessary. I was still going down the highway toward my destination, even if most of my view consisted of the back of the truck. Then it came to me how this was a parable of the way I often respond to life.

I’m cruising along going where I want to go or need to be next, feeling like I’m in control. Then some obstacle gets in my way and slows me down. Not only have I had to change my pace, but now I can’t see what’s ahead. I’m still going toward my original destination but I no longer have the bigger view. Mostly I’m focused on this obstacle that got in my way. I feel stuck!

God helped me to see that sometimes He’s the One who pulls out in front of me. Maybe He wants me to slow down or to follow for awhile. (If that truck driver spotted danger ahead or a hazard in the road and stopped or avoided it, even if I couldn’t see it, I’d avoid it too if I followed his lead.) If only I’d learn to be more patient and "go with the flow", I’d not only still get to where I’m going, but I wouldn’t feel "stuck". The journey would be less frustrating and more enjoyable.

Perhaps being "stuck" with God isn’t really being stuck after all!

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11 - NLT)

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