Psalm 37:1-16 (a paraphrase)
By Becky Rule

God sometimes has me re-write a portion of Scripture, which is an exercise that always ministers powerfully to me. I suppose it forces me to slow down and dig deep, causing me to evaluate and ponder each word according to where I am at in my journey. I recently found myself personalizing Psalm 37 in light of various struggles I seem unable to shake for the time being; applying this psalm to my life has been a particular blessing. Perhaps you can relate and will also be ministered to. - Becky

"Let all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You; And let those who love Your salvation say continually, ‘Let God be magnified.’" Psalm 70:4

Refuse to be stirred up over waywardness, both that of self and of others.

Quit comparing journeys and positions, judging who is good and who is bad,

Who is ahead or behind, who is in the right and who is wrong.

For those who are "off" will wilt like a weed picked during summer’s heat

And lose their sheen like foliage in the summer sun.

It is good to trust God with your path and to rest in Him;

Live where He has placed you; feed on and be nourished by His faithfulness.

Your pleasure will be found in desiring the Lord;

And He will stir and fashion and fulfill that for which your heart truly longs.

Firmly place your way, your path, your spiritual journey in God’s care;

Leave it with Him and to Him.

Trust in Him and His ability; He will take care of it and fulfill it, bringing it to completion.

Just as the sun rises, growing from dawn’s dimness and ever increasing in intensity, He will bring about the righteousness you desire.

Undistracted by deciding between what is good and what is bad, you will judge rightly between what yields life and what brings death, seeing with the clarity of a bright day at noontime.


Do not allow yourself to be agitated. Quiet your mind, your emotions, and your activity. Be still. Rest before the Lord, waiting patiently for Him, longing for Him, and trusting His timing.

Refuse to fret over those whose lives look so good and complete and prosperous;

Those who have the strength and ability to accomplish what they set their minds to achieve.

Let the anger pass and refuse fury;

Give up your agitation; it only leads to a lack of peace, and results in strife and distress.

Those who make their own way will run out of road,

But those who wait for the Lord and His ways and His timing will receive the promised inheritance. In a short time, what looked so promising and complete will no longer even exist.

But the humble will receive the inheritance and will be thoroughly pleased and delighted by rich, abundant growth and prosperity.


The ungodly are irritated by the godly, predicting their error and downfall.

The Lord laughs, for He knows the humiliation that lies ahead.

Against the bowed down, the afflicted, and the needy, the ungodly one builds a case,

Intending to, in essence, slaughter the very ones who are what he falsely believes himself to be.

The sword he wields will pierce his own heart,

And the strong bow will crumble in his hands.

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Living Covenant Ministries International