God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen
by Mike Rule

"God rest ye merry, gentlemen; let nothing you dismay. Remember, Christ our Savior was born on Christmas Day. To save us all from Satan's power when we were gone astray. O tidings of comfort and joy…"

Even though this song was first published in 1827, the words are very appropriate for us today in light of the insane pace many of us keep during this holiday season. We often run from one thing to another with no time to slow down. We feel hopeless and helplessly trapped by a variety of things: church program responsibilities/activities, shopping trips, family gatherings, financial issues, health struggles, the memories of loved ones, and last minute preparations. The residue of these same issues from previous years can compound our current situation making us feel agitated to the core of our being. This can lead to an underlying sense of bitterness, depression, or anger as the holiday season approaches and we may be confused about the source of these emotions. We may feel a deep emptiness and wonder if there isn’t supposed to be something more. Some people are quite anxious to get through the holiday season to return to some sense of "normalcy." Others are hoping that good feelings and experiences from the season will fill this void: Maybe this year it will be "perfect." Needless to say when it is not perfect there is tremendous disappointment which contributes to additional residue for the future.

We know in our heads that Christmas is all about Jesus, but have we grappled with what our emotions have to say about the holiday? What are our REAL expectations? Perhaps we are missing the most important thing of all. The emotional roller coaster many of us experience during the holidays is there to remind us that perhaps "our way" is not the way Christmas is supposed to be. Our discontentment is designed to draw our eyes back to the marvelous thing that our God has done for us through Jesus Christ. He IS our Emmanuel! He is God WITH us in the midst of our circumstances. As we reflect upon Jesus, let us remember what He came to give us. He came to bring us comfort, joy, and peace. He came to save us from the power of Satan when we go astray. In other words, He came to save us from the eternal and the temporal power of sin. That does not mean that life will be perfect, but He came to give us His peace no matter our circumstances.

"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27)

As Jesus said from the cross, "It is finished!" There is now nothing to dismay us! We do not have to get caught up in the insanity of this season, but even if we do, there is a peace that passes all understanding. We can rest. As the song says, this kind of rest is a "God rest" that is not generated through emotions, thoughts, or action. It is a spiritual rest that affects every fiber of our being and flows out from the Spirit through our mind, will, and emotions. It is a peace that passes all understanding. This is truly a God rest! These are tidings of comfort and joy. Merry Christmas!


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Living Covenant Ministries International