Dig In 
By Terrilyn Miller

As a flight attendant, I was recently scheduled to fly to Guadalajara, Mexico. The last thing I thought would happen was a trip to the beach. I didn't know that the pilots were planning to rent a car in the morning and drive three hours to the beach during our 1-day layover. After initially declining an invitation to join them, I sensed the Lord was saying, "Yes. Go!" and before I knew it I had agreed to an adventure.

I do not like COLD water - not one little bit – and I had no intention of doing anything but getting my toes wet. After romping up and down the beach and getting splashed a few times I realized that the water was WARM -- it was the perfect temperature! Suddenly I KNEW I just had to be in the water. I love to body surf and I am good at it, so I had no doubts this would be a wonderful time.

As I ran into the water while eyeing the waves to position myself to catch the first big one, my legs began to be literally ripped out from underneath me. The water was only thigh deep, but I knew I was in trouble. I immediately forgot all about the "perfect wave" and turned to face the shore as I strained against the under tow. Suddenly, a hand reached out and grabbed my arm and pulled me from the grip of the rushing water. Obviously body surfing was out of the question.

I guessed that I would just play in the water close to shore but even the shoreline was tricky. The incoming waves would knock me over and the returning onrush of water would pull my legs out from under me as soon as I tried to stand up. At first I was fearful, but I realized that all I had to do was stay on "all fours" with my fingers and toes digging into the sand. I realized I was "secure" when I "dug in" to the ocean floor. I couldn't help but laugh and giggle like a child every time I got tossed around ... which was frequently. By the time we left the beach I was covered in black sand. My suit was full, my hair was full, my ears were full ... it was every where.

So what did the Lord show me? First, I had to be in the ocean of “abiding” in Christ to fully grasp what God wanted me to know. Getting my toes wet did not count! He showed me that I had figured out how living the abiding life was supposed to look. It would be great! After all, I knew all the right moves to catch the “biggest waves.” Perhaps someone watching my life would notice and think, "Wow! Look how joyful she is. She must really trust the Lord." When I ran out into the warm ocean water I fully believed I was going to ride the waves. Only when I was in the water did I realize that things were not as I expected. Just like I knew how to body surf, I also have known how to live victoriously in difficult circumstances. Just like my time in the unexpected surf, I have been ripped from my footing and slammed in ways I never expected.

When I was only thigh deep I realized the seriousness of my situation. I was afraid and turned around and looked to shore. Suddenly a hand reached out and grabbed me. Isn't that just like the Lord to have someone there waiting to help? When life threatens to sweep me away, the Lord provides someone to reach out a hand! What was frightening turned out to be an opportunity to experience the ocean in new ways. Much to my surprise I discovered that I could have fun in knee deep water while being tossed about by choppy waves and a "rip" tide that lived up to its name!

God revealed that "abiding" included the times when I couldn't go very deep, could hardly stand up, and had to "dig in" to keep from being swept away. Abiding was about being IN the water. God also revealed his faithfulness. He met all my needs: warmth, someone to rescue me, and a foundation to grab hold of.

Just as the black sand covered me, so also people cannot help but notice when we've encountered the Lord. People "see" it! I simply needed God to remind me that abiding isn't about performance; it is about relationship. Who am I to judge myself as a "failure" if I have to cling to the shore instead of riding the big waves with the "pros"? God is "growing" me; it just doesn't look like what I think it should!

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Living Covenant Ministries International