Hello my friends!

I think this weeks article is appropriate to share as our Christmas thought this year. It may not seem like a Christmas article, but let's think about it... We have something to celebrate! The One Who is our very Life was born for us and He gave us His Life. As we celebrate the Holiday, let's not over spiritualize Christmas and make it just another "religious" holiday. Instead, this year let's live! Let's enjoy the fun, the festivities and parties, and each other. Through it all, let's have a heart open to Him, and rest in the fact that He WILL reveal Himself in it all and through it all. It is indeed true - GOD is with us and He is revealed in us! He is our Immanuel! Hallelujah and Amen!

May you have a very Merry Christmas and I wish you His blessed Shalom throughout the season and through 2005! - Mike


Christ Is My Life
By Mike Rule

Over the years I have gotten involved with a lot of different things. I have been obsessed with work, cars, hobbies, girls, hunting, marriage, church, ministry, Bible study; you name it. Each one of those things became my life at one point or another. I would eat, sleep, and breathe the thing that had become my obsession. It was all I thought about; it was all I talked about. My entire life revolved around it. I was totally consumed with it.

Then about eight years ago Jesus revealed Himself to me in a profound way and I became obsessed with Him. He is all I can think about, He is all I want to talk about, He is everything to me. I am all-consumed with Him. I’m not interested in talking about anything that does not bring Him into view or does not lead me to Him. He is my Life. I love anything that pushes me to Him, and I hate anything that distracts me from Him. He alone is enough. He alone is worthy. Praise God for His son Jesus. He is worthy of paying attention to – He is worthy of worship. He is worth being obsessed on. He is worthy to become the sole purpose of life because His name IS Life! Amen!

Verses for Reflection:

Colossians 3:3,4 For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.



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Living Covenant Ministries International