If I Have Not Love…
By Mike Rule
While recently visiting a church in another country I was greatly encouraged
to see that the Lord was doing a mighty work. Unfortunately, the pastor was
trying to stop it. I have observed that when people begin to discover the
freedom and rest Jesus offers it is often frightening to those in leadership.
Leaders fear losing control over people and fear that the ministry in their
church will fall apart if they do not maintain control. It is confusing when the
work of the Holy Spirit comes in through the back door instead of through the
pulpit, when it comes in weakness rather than strength.
When the work of God happens in ways we do not understand we often desire to
regain control. This makes me think of the priests of Jesus' day. When Christ
died on the cross, the veil separating the Holy of Holies from the Holy Place
was torn from top to bottom. I wonder what the priests thought when this
happened. They had to be scared, confused, frightened and wanting to regain some
kind of control. I have yet to come across anything written about this event
other than in scripture. Did they do all they could to hide this fact? I can
only imagine how they must have scrambled to have the veil repaired or replaced
before anyone discovered it was torn.
Self-righteousness always seeks to hide and keep secret. It seeks to squash
and quench the true work of God. When God works in ways we personally have not
experienced we cling to our experience. We give in to the deception that the
only way God ever works is the way He has worked in us in the past. It is a
challenge to run the race that is set before us, not worrying about the race
others are running. Let us not forget the hallmark of His children is love and
acceptance of ALL who claim the name of Christ as Lord, regardless of how our
experience may differ. (1 Corinthians 13) Let us press on to Jesus who is the
author and finisher of our faith… and the faith of others.