Living: His Perspective  

Presented by
Living Covenant Ministries International

Fri., Sept. 12, 2003 7p.m. - 10 p.m.
Sat., Sept. 13, 2003 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
(A light lunch will be provided on Saturday.)

Evergreen Township Hall
5514 Shabbona Road, Decker, MI

This seminar offers a different perspective on life, while encouraging people to find Jesus in their struggles. Jesus has something to say to us in and through all problems--sin issues, addictions, depression, marriage and family issues, lack of fulfillment in life.... There is hope! You are better off than you feel you are.

We will look at WHO God created us to be, WHY we act the way we do, WHAT life has created in us, and HOW these things affect everyday life. Most importantly, we challenge people to grow in faith and to see Jesus--the One who sets us free and is everything we are looking for.

Mike Rule of LCMI will present this seminar in an informal lecture format. Each session will conclude with a question and answer time. To learn more about LCMI visit or call 989/553-2252.

There is no charge, but a freewill offering will be taken.

This presentation is open to all adults and teens. No childcare is provided.